Note: It is sufficient to click on the colored links on the paper titles to see the contents of these files.





7.739.051 Method for determination of diffractor locations at sea bottom for the purpose of attenuating such energy


6.292.755 3-D seismic trace extrapolation and interpolation


5.970.023 Reducing aliasing artifacts in seismic data processing using sharpened tau-p-q transforms


5.677.892 Unaliased spatial trace interpolation in the f-k domain


5.617.372 Unaliased spatial trace interpolation in the f-k domain




Trade Journal Publications



·         Gülünay, N.  2017, Signal leakage in f -x deconvolution algorithms: Geophysics, VOL. 82, NO. 5 (SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2017);  

        Errata: In Tables A-1, A-2, and A-4, the line that says “Copy input a to matrix X as X(i; j+i-1)=a(i) ” is incorrect. Instead,

        “Copy input a to matrix X as X(j+i-1, j )=a(i) ” is the correct expression.

·         Gülünay, N.  2017, The diminishing residual matrices method for surface-consistent statics — A review: Geophysics, VOL. 82, NO. 4 (JULY-AUGUST 2017); P. V257–V274  

.     Traonmilin, Y. and N. Gülünay,  2013, Statics preserving projection filtering. Geophysical prospecting  2013, 61 (Suppl. 1), 346–351


·         Gülünay, N.  2008, Two different methods for seismic interference noise attenuation, The Leading edge, Feb 2008 Issue.

·        Krohn, C., S. Ronen, J. Deere, N. Gulunay, 2008, Introduction to this special section – Seismic Noise, The Leading edge, Feb 2008 Issue. 

·         Gülünay, N., M. Magesan, and, H. Roende, 2007, Gather Flattening, The Leading Edge, Dec 2007 issue 

·         Gülünay, N., N. Benjamin, and M. Magesan, 2006, Acquisition footprint suppression on 3D land surveys, First Break,  Feb 2006 Issue.

·         Gülünay, N., 2003, Seismic trace interpolation in the Fourier transform domain: Geophysics, 68, No 1, 355−369. 

·         Gülünay, N., 2000, Noncausal spatial prediction filtering for random noise reduction on 3−D poststack data: Geophysics, Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 65, 1641−1653. 

·         Gülünay, N., 1996, F−X deconvolution and complex Wiener prediction filter, in Robinson, E. A.  and Osman, O. M., Ed., Deconvolution 2: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 552−554




 Conference publications as Expanded Abstracts


·       Gülünay, N. 2014, Ice break attenuation on Alaska data with V1 noise attenuation (V1NAT) method,. 84th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys.

·       Gülünay, N., E. ShakerA. KaragulA. RamadanT. BianchiJ. RossD. YanchakD. Monk, 2013, Deblending of single source vibroseis land data in Egypt with V1 Noise Attenuation algorithm. 83rd  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys.

·       Gülünay, N., E. ShakerA. KaragulA. RamadanT. BianchiJ. RossD. YanchakD. Monk, 2013, Deblending of single source vibroseis land data in Egypt with V1 Noise Attenuation algorithm. 75th   Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys.

·       Gülünay, N, 2012, Polarity blind and polarity sensitive gather flattening methods, 2012, 74th  Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys. Copenhagen. Denmark.

·       Gülünay, N., 2012, Should one honor or ignore polarity during gather flattening?, 82nd Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys.

·       M.G. Retailleau, M. G., N. Benjamin, A. Pica, M. Bendjaballah, P. Plasterie, S. Leroy, L. Delmas, P. Hugonnet, A. Khalil, N. Gülünay, R. Smith, J. Shorter,  2012, Advanced 3D Land Internal Mutiple Modeling and Subtraction, a WAZ Oman Case Study, 74th  Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys. Copenhagen. Denmark.

·       Khalil, A. and N. Gülünay,2011, Intra Array Statics (IAS) in the Cross-spread Domain, 73rd   Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys. Vienna.

·       Traonmilin, Y., and N. Gülünay,2011, Statics preserving projection filtering, 81st  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys.

·       Gülünay, N.,2010, Cable extrapolation in the frequency domain using sharpened kx-ky transforms, 80th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys.

·       Gülünay, N., Nigel Benjamin, and, Adel Khalil,2009, How can we design reliable decon operators for noisy 3-D land data, CPS/SEG Beijing 2009 International Geophysical Conference & Exposition.

·       Gülünay, N., A. Khalil, A. Leveque, S.R. Seeni and, S.W. Robinson, 2009,  Intra Array Statics Derived in the Cross-Spread Domain for a High Density, High Resolution, Wide Azimuth 3D Land Data Currently Being Acquired in Qatar, 79th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys, Houston, TX, USA

·         Gülünay, N.,  N. Benjamin, and, A. Khalil, 2009, Reliable decon operators for noisy land data, EAGE 4th North African/Mediterranean Petroleum and Geoscience Conference, Tunis, Tunisia.

·         Gülünay, N. and N. Benjamin, 2008, Poststack Driven Prestack Deconvolution (PPDEC) for noisy land data and Radial Trace mixing for signal enhancement, 78th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

·         Gülünay, N.,2008, Localization of diffracted seismic nose sources using an array of seismic sensors, The 5th IEEE Sensor Array and Multi-Channel Signal Processing Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany.

·         Gülünay, N.,  G. Ajlani,  A. Leveque, and, J. Holden, 2008,  Prestack Seismic signal enhancement by dip detection and dip selection, 70th  Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys,, Rome, Italy.

·         Gülünay, N.,  M.  Magesan, and, H. Roende, 2008,  Gather flattening based on event tracking for each time sample, 70th  Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys., Rome, Italy

·       Gülünay,N., 2008, Two different algorithms for seismic interference noise attenuation, The Leading Edge, February Issue..



·         Gülünay, N., J. Connor, and, J. Holden, 2007, Coherency enhancement on 3D seismic data by dip detection and dip selection, 77th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., San Antonio, Texas, USA. 

·         Gülünay, N., F. Gamar, H. Hoeber, M. Dyce, C. MacKenzie, D. Whitcombe, 2007, Robust gather Flattening, 77th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., San Antonio, Texas, USA.   

·         Gülünay, N., S. Depagne, and, M. Magesan, 2006, Fast broadside diffractors: a case history, 76th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. , New Orleans, USA.

·         Gülünay, N., N. Benjamin, and M. Magesan, 2006, Acquisition footprint suppression on 3D land surveys, First Break,  Feb 2006 Issue.

·       Karagul, A., T. Mojesky, & N. Gülünay, 2006, How to attenuate diffracted noise: (DSCAN) a new methodology, CSPC-CSEG-CWLS Convention, Calgary, Canada.

·         Gülünay, N., M. Magesan, and, J. Connor, 2006, Diffractor scan (DSCAN) for attenuating scattered energy, 68th  Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys., Vienna, Austria.

·         Gülünay, N., M. Magesan, J. Connor, 2005, Diffracted noise attenuation in shallow water 3D marine surveys, 75th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., Houston, Texas, USA.

·         Gülünay, N., N., Benjamin, M. Magesan, 2005, Footprint suppression with wavenumber notch filtering for various acquisition geometries. 67th Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys., Madrid, Spain.  

·         Gülünay, N., M. Magesan, S Baldock, 2004, Seismic interference noise attenuation. 66th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys

·         Gülünay, N. and Pattberg, D., 2001, Seismic interference noise removal, 71st Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 1989−1992., San Antonio, Texas, USA.

·         Gülünay, N. and Pattberg, D., 2001, Seismic Crew Interference and Prestack Random Noise Attenuation on 3D Marine Seismic Data, 63rd Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys. Session: A−13., Amsterdam,, Netherlands. 

·         Gülünay, N., 2000, 3D acquisition footprint removal, 62nd Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session: L0017. 

·         Gülünay, N., 2000, Acquisition footprint removal, AMGE and 8th Simposium de Geofisica, Villahermosa, Mexico. 

·         Gülünay, N., 1999, Acquisition geometry footprints removal, 69th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. Of Expl. Geophys. 637−640. 

·         Gülünay, N. and Chambers, R. E., 1998, Trace Interpolation with Data Adaptive Filtering in the Frequency Wave−Number Domain, 60th  Mtg.: Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Session: 02−52.,Leibzig, Germany. 

·         Gülünay, N. and Chambers, R., 1997, Generalized f−k domain trace interpolation, 67th  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 1100−1103. 

·         Gülünay, N. and Chambers, R. E., 1997, Efficient F−K Domain Wavefield interpolation, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, Paper 8575. 

·         Gülünay, N. and Chambers, R. E., 1997, F−K Domain trace interpolation for a large offset marine survey, Istanbul`97, International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Technical program abstracts p.123., Istanbul, Turkey. 

·         Gülünay, N. and Chambers, R. E., 1996, Unaliased f−k domain trace interpolation (UFKI), 66th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 1461−1464., Denver, Colorado, USA. 

·         Gülünay, N., 1996, F−X deconvolution and complex Wiener prediction filter, in Robinson, E. A.  and Osman, O. M., Ed., Deconvolution 2: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 552−554.

·         Gülünay, N., Martin, F. and Martinez, R., 1994, 3D data acquisition artifacts removal − spot editing in the spatial − temporal frequency domain, 56th  Mtg.: Eur. Assn. of Expl. Geophys. Vienna, Austria.

·         Gülünay, N., and Martin, F., 1994, 3D data acquisition artifacts removal − spot editing in the spatial − temporal frequency domain, 10th  Petroleum Congress and Exhibition, Ankara, Turkey.

·         Gülünay, N., Sudhakar, V., Gerrard, C. and Monk, D., 1993, Prediction filtering for 3−D post stack data, 63rd  Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 1183−1186., Washington DC, USA.

·         Gülünay, N., Monk, D., and Sudhakar, V., 1993, Prediction filtering for 3−D post stack data, 13th  Geophysical Convention of Turkey, Abstracts, Ankara.

·         Gülünay, N., 1992, Radon Transform, 9th Petroleum Congress and Exhibition, Ankara, Turkey, Proceedings, 175−188.

·         Gülünay, N., 1992, Covariance measure as a high resolution velocity analysis tool, 9th Petroleum Congress and Exhibition, Ankara, Turkey, Proceedings 209−220. 

·         Gülünay, N., 1991, High resolution CVS: Generalized covariance measure, 61st Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 1264−1267. Houston, Texas, USA.

·         Gülünay, N., 1990, F−X domain least squares tau−p and tau−q, 60th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. 1607−1610.,San Francisco, California, USA.

·         Gülünay, N., 1989, Fxdecon and conflicting dips, 42nd Annual Midwest Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Denver, CO.

·         Gülünay, N., 1988, Refraction statics through differential receiver delaytimes, 1st ASEG/SEG International Geophysical Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

·         Gülünay, N., 1986, A computer implementation of the ABC Method of Refraction Statics, 39th Annual Midwest Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, OK.

·         Gülünay, N., 1986, FXDECON and complex Wiener prediction filter, 56th Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. Session:POS2.10.,Hoston, Texas, USA.

·         Gülünay, N., 1985, A new method for the surface consistent decomposition of statics using diminishing residual matrices (DRM), 55th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys. Session:S1.3. Washington DC. USA.